
Friday, November 1, 2019

Coaching and mentoring for leadership and Management; Evaluative Essay

Coaching and mentoring for leadership and Management; Evaluative report - The role of coaching and mentoring in organisational development and knowledge management - Essay Example ing those individual who tend to be more experienced in a particular field along with relatively less knowledgeable individuals who do not have much knowledge in the similar field (National College for School Leadership, 2010). The main task of a manager is to get results through people as well as other resources. Since most of the industries are becoming more reliant upon knowledge as well as service, people as well as their skill and performance are a top managerial concern. Companies possess greater interest in the capabilities of their employees that they endeavour to develop by means of formal and on-the-job training and progressive job assignments. They further expect managers as well as supervisors to develop employee capacity by means of coaching and mentoring. The main objective of the report is to identify whether or not the adoption of coaching and mentoring system can be utilised in order to train the staffs required to occupy the highly skilled positions that organisations might find it increasingly difficult to fill in the near future. The report will further attempt at offering numerous definitions regarding what coaching and mentoring are and how they must be utilised as part of the organisations knowledge management system. The costs as well as benefits associated to the organisation in introducing such systems will also be highlighted. Furthermore, the report’s objective will be to outline how organisations can deliver high quality coaching and mentoring to the employees and the key performance indicators that organisations can utilise to judge the ongoing success of such a system. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) views mentoring as a development of abilities as well as potentials in the role to be played by an individual rather than developing their performance and skills. It can be comprehended as specific learning along with development interference that can be utilised in a wide way however in a specific situation

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